Modified-CPET (MCPET)

Modified Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (M-CPET)

What is Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) ?

Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) is a non-invasive method use to assess the performance of the heart and lungs at rest and during exercise.

What is modified Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (M-CPET)

We customized/modified the whole procedure to make it more friendly, familiar, easy to perform but interpretation can be made as like CPET.


Who are the candidates for M-CPET test ?

  • Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation
  • Rehabilitation following a major illness
  • Screening testing for the diagnosis of heart and lung disease
  • Checkup status before major surgery


How the test is done?

During the CPET test patient will perform spirometry and reversibility test first. Then pre -exercise ECG followed by exercise (incremental shuttle walk or cycling) up to his/her capability. Patient will be monitored continuously to assess his/her performance. The Capacity and Strength of the Lungs is measured before and during exercise . The ECG Will be recorded post exercise also. Tele- Cardiac Monitoring is done during the Whole  procedure.

How much time will it take?

The M-CPET test will need about of 40 minutes. This test requires maximum effort to ensure the most reliable diagnostic information to be obtained.

Are there any risks?

The risk for CPET is the same as for mild-moderate exercise. The number of patients who develop symptoms is low (1:1000), and it is the same as for exercise testing in cardiology. We will monitor the patient closely during the test, with continuous ECG, blood pressure and oxygen measurements. lf they develop significant symptoms, the trained staff will stop the testing.


What information will be analyzed from M-CPET ?

  • Pre and post Bronchodilator Lung Function
  • Pre during and post exercise Oxygen Saturation
  • Present Exercise Capacity
  • Pre-post exercise Cardiac performance
  • Tele Cardiologic Monitoring


Preparation for M-CEPT

  • Do not eat a heavy meal for 2 hours before exercise
  • Do not take vigorous exercise for 30 minutes
  • Do not wear any tight clothing that may restrict your breathing
  • Do not smoke for at least 4-hour prior Exercise
  • Please continue to take all prescribed medicine as normal